Wednesday, August 12, 2009

New Headband Styles

I have been struggling since I started my shop to find a consistent supply of headbands. It seems that there is no mass production of thin black satin headbands. Trust me on this - I've looked.

My ultimate goal for doing law school and crafting side by side was to develop my product line to the point where my tape measure headbands are made to order and I am only creating en masse for craft shows. My inconsistent supply of headbands was a serious deterrent to this goal.

I recently ordered some plain plastic headbands and this weekend took to making my own plain satin headbands. I must say, it's not the most pleasant thing and a lot of glue, sweat, and nauseous fumes went into their creation. However, I'm fairly happy with the result and it allowed me to carry my tape measure them further into the designs.


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Zipper Headbands

I created my version of zipper headbands back in April after some deep though about what other items besides tape measures were ribbon-like and could be formed into rosettes. I see now that many other people also make zipper rosettes but I believe I was the first person on Etsy to put them on a headband. Could be wrong, but there is only one other person currently who does this and our styles are different. Imagine my dismay when I checked out Forever 21's website and saw this:
Looks quite familiar. Oh well, I'm not the first person they've knocked off (and who knows - maybe they came up with it themselves) and I can't be the last.

Saturday, August 8, 2009


This is my crafting blog! I decided that my crafting was getting too mixed up with my shopping and that I needed to create a new blog.

This is the official blog for Chricket Designs. Chricket Designs makes hair accessories with a focus on up-cycling and using unusual and vintage materials.

This blog will explore the various facets of design, marketing, selling, and show pretty pictures of products.

Thanks for reading!